
<=KNEC diploma in ICT module I: Introduction to ICT and ethics past paper July 2016

Magnetic disks are popular computer storage medium. Outline three of its
advantages that influence this trend

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Question Answer:

Questions List:

1. Differentiate between supercomputers and mainframe computers
2. ICT is pivotal to the success of devolution in Kenya. Explain three benefits that could be realized with its adoption in county government
3. Wireless internet is prone to unauthorized user access. Explain three measures that could be used to mitigate this problem.
4. Outline three types of computer buses.
5. Distinguish between north and south bridges as used in computer’s chipset.
6. Explain three advantages of telecommuting
7. Computers cannot work without operating systems. Outline four functions of the software to justify this statement
8. Outline four categories of computer keyboard keys
9. Irene was required to identify challenges that affect integration of computer ergonomics in an organization. Outline four typical challenges that she could have identified
10. Data security should be an important area of concern for every small- business owner. Outline four data safety measures that can be adopted.
11. Paul is required to install a computer network for his company. Explain goals that he should strive to achieve in the installation
12. Explain two circumstances that could lead to adaption of a ring topology in computer networking.
13. List four technologies for random access memory (RAM).
14. Differentiate between competing and collaborating conflict management techniques.
15. Outline four safety precautions that should be adhered to when charging a laptop computer.
16. Steve was required to select an application software for a client. Explain two factors that he should consider other than cost.
17. Logical data safety techniques are increasingly adopted in organizations. Outline three examples of such logical safety techniques
18. Green computing is gaining popularity in developing countries. Outline three challenges in its adoption
19. Explain each of the following terms as used in computers: i)data ii)node.
20. Jane was receiving spam emails in her mail box. Outline four precautionary measures that she could put in place to handle the problem.
21. Outline two advantages of using minicomputers
22. Distinguish between requirements and qualifications as applied in recruitments.
23. Define the term discount as used in computer acquisition
24. A lecturer described verbal communication in an ICT class. Explain two types of verbal communication that he could have described.
25. Describe each of the following data processing methods; i)batch ii)real-time
26. Differentiate between system user and system analyst.
27. With the aid of a diagram, describe the components of computer’s central processing unit.
28. Philip, a human resource consultant prepared a presentation on staff motivation. Outline four negative impacts of unmotivated staff to an organization that he could have mentioned.
29. Sam was required to identify application software in his friend’s computer. Outline Four types of this software that he could have identified
30. Explain two methods of acquiring software license.
31. For each of the following scenarios, propose the most appropriate type of computer network: i)to connect computers in a single room or a building; ii)to connect computers within a town. iii)to connect computers around the world iv)to enable internet services within a private network
32. Tessie intends to formulate wireless policy for her company. Outline four rules that she was likely to consider
33. Desktop computers come with several sizes of CPU casing. Outline four types of such casings.
34. Beth was required to give a lecture on ICT opportunities to a youth group. Explain two communication skills that could apply during the talk
35. Outline three precautions when handling re-writable Computer Disks
36. Explain three benefits of embracing good ICT ethics in organization
37. Outline two measures that could be used to mitigate stress at a workplace
38. Magnetic disks are popular computer storage medium. Outline three of its advantages that influence this trend
39. Bernard intends to install software on a number of computers in his company. Describe three methods of installation that he could apply.