
<=KNEC diploma in ICT module I:Introduction to ICT and ethics past paper November 2016

Explain one circumstance under which of the following type computer is most appropriate
i)Special purpose.

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Question Answer:

Questions List:

1. Outline four characteristics of third-generation computers
2. Explain two methods that could be used to manage stress among ICT students in a college.
3. Explain two benefits of installing UPS in a company’s computer system
4. Explain one function of a bus system in a computer
5. A programmer developed a program using an assembly language. i)Describe two characteristics that this program should exhibit ii)Explain one challenge that the programmer is likely to face during this program development.
6. Outline four roles of a system designers in system development.
7. Distinguish between tailor made and off-the-shelf software acquisition methods.
8. Tom is using a computer whose screen is flickering and it is positioned above his eye level. Explain two problems that he is likely to suffer from as he continues using this computer.
9. Figure 1 and figure 2 show a computer system devices. Use them to answer the questions that follow i)Identify each of the devices ii)Outline three disadvantages of each of the devices identified in (i)
10. Outline two advantages of using an ergonomic chair while working on the computer
11. A student at Mazuri Technical is undertaking an ICT project that needs to be completed within the term besides the normal learning schedule. Explain two time management skills that would help in coping with this situation
12. Distinguish between self-esteem and self-awareness as used in life skills
13. Explain two negative impacts of ICT to the society.
14. Advancement in ICT has led to introduction of distance learning in institutions. Outline two benefits a student will accrue from this mode of learning
15. Explain two circumstances under which social media platform could be of importance to a student in a college
16. Outline three factors to consider when acquiring software for an organization
17. A technician was performing some repairs in an office when he accidentally cut a data cable and all computers failed to access the network resources. State two types of computer topology that could have been installed in this office
18. With the aid of a diagram in each case, describe the following networks: (6mks) i)peer-to-peer; ii)Client-server.
19. A company realized that unauthorized users accessed data in their system. Explain three approaches that would be used to prevent this anomaly
20. A school has been buying its computer hardware from dealers but has opted to lease the hardware instead. Outline three benefits they could gain from this option
21. Outline two unethical behaviors associated with the use of ICT
22. State two examples of each of the following application software: (4mks) I)desktop publishing; II)Presentation.
23. Differentiate between a super computer and mainframe computer
24. Explain two benefits of computer networks in a learning institution.
25. Hillary installed an operating system in his laptop computer. Explain three functions of this software
26. State four uses of ICT in banking
27. Students of Maweni Technical intend to roll out basic computer training program to the neighboring community. Outline two benefits the institution would accrue from this.
28. Differentiate between smoothing and bargaining as used in conflict management
29. Patrick intends to buy a digital scanner for his business. i)Explain one use of this device. ii)State two types of scanners that he could choose from
30. Peris, an ICT expert, developed a computer payroll software. Explain three benefits that she could get by copyrighting this software.
31. Explain two functions of the control unit of a computer system.
32. ABC Company Limited has organized training of conflict management for its employees. Explain three important objectives of such training.
33. Differentiate between a magnetic stripe reader and a chip reader input devices.
34. An organization intends to train its employees on the importance of ICT ethics. Explain three topics that could be included in this training
35. Outline two workplace conflicts which could occur in ICT department of an organization.
36. The manager of Maendeleo Limited Company has developed a life skill programme for the staff. Outline two skills that the staff would gain from this program
37. Explain one circumstance under which of the following type computer is most appropriate i)Special purpose. ii)Micro-computer.
38. Brighters Company Limited is in the process of developing an ICT policy for its Information system. Describe three issues that would be necessary to be included in this policy
39. Goldie IT Company intends to reach out to the society as part of their Corporate Social Responsibility. Explain three challenges that the company is likely to encounter