
<=KNEC Craft Certificate in ICT module 2 Computer Maintenance and Support past paper: November 2021

Differentiate between an analog computer and digital computer

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Questions List:

1. Explain two roles of a system clock as used in computers
2. Differentiate between an analog computer and digital computer
3. Explain two circumstances under which a user could update the computer processor.
4. Paul had recommended the use of cloud printing technology to the employees in his organizations. Explain two challenges the employees would experience while using this service.
5. Outline four factors to be considered when selecting a computer’s power supply unit, other than cost.
6. ABC Company Ltd. Computer department intends to employ a support desk technician. Outline four qualities of the proposed personnel that the company would consider for the job.
7. Explain two types of expansion slots that could be found on computers
8. Computer sound cards perform different functions. Outline four functions of such cards.
9. James intends to dispose a number of old computers from his organization. Explain two ways he could use to disposing these computers.
10. Explain each of the following terms as used in computer support. i)Tutorial ii)Wizard
11. Outline four types of computer backups.
12. Outline five signs of computer monitor failure that would be experienced by users.
13. Explain three circumstances under which a scheduled computer maintenance would be rescheduled.
14. The manufacturers of computer motherboards design with different form factors. List six examples of form factors that could be designed.
15. Outline four guidelines that could be used in the replacement of the motherboard component.
16. Joan was required to update the BIOS software for client’s computer. Outline four precautions that she observes during the update.
17. For each of the following scenario, state the most appropriate type of memory applicable: i)Compensate for physical memory shortages by temporarily transferring data from random access memory (RAM) do disk storage; ii)Stores data that is frequently used by the processor; iii)Data is lost immediately the computer losses, its power; iv)Data is permanently stored in a chip.
18. With the aid of a diagram, describe the components of a Central Processing Unit.
19. List two types of USB connectors that could be found on computers
20. The North-bridge chip plays a critical role in the performance of a computer system. Explain two functions that are likely to be performed by the chip
21. Dusting is one of the tasks that should be carried out during routine computer maintenance. Outline three reasons for carrying out this task.
22. During a training session, John decided to use a computer-based training method. Explain two advantages he could realize when using this training method.
23. Susan was required by her employer to create a computer inventory record for the ICT department. Outline four reasons that could have led to the request.
24. Parallel ports are widely used to connect I/O devices in computers. Outline four advantages of these ports
25. Alice assembled a computer but after powering on the computer, CMOS date and settings and BIOS configurations were lost. i)Describe the term CMOS. ii)Outline four possible remedy that she could use to solve the problem.
26. Jane was required to troubleshoot a computer that its operations were disrupted by a malicious software. i)State the most probable type of computer virus that she identified. ii)explain two strategies that she could use to mitigate the problem identified in (i).
27. Justine was required to update an application software for a client’s computer. Outline four reasons of carrying out these updates.