
<=KNEC Craft Certificate in ICT module 2 Computer Maintenance and Support past paper: November 2017

Outline five hardware specification that should be considered when upgrading a laptop.

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Question Answer:

Questions List:

1. Explain two advantages of parallel data transfer method in computers.
2. Differentiate between Virtual memory and cache memory.
3. Sim-sim company ltd. Intends to launch an electronic material recycling project in the coastal region of Kenya. Explain two challenges that the company could face while carrying out the project.
4. Distinguish between sector and volume as used in computer storage media.
5. Describe each of the motherboard expansion interfaces: (i)PCI; (ii)ISA.
6. Explain the following terms as used in computer hardware: (i)Rotational delay; (ii)Pipelining.
7. Jane a computer technician preferred using online support material instead of user guides. Explain two benefits that she could realize while using support materials.
8. Describe two circumstances under which a computer clock should be adjusted.
9. Outline four precaution that should be observed when replacing a printer cartridge.
10. A lecture instructed student to store their document on a recordable compact disk (CD-R) and not a flash memory. Explain two reasons that could justify the lecture’s instruction to the students.
11. Explain four types of application software that could be used in computers.
12. Outline five hardware specification that should be considered when upgrading a laptop.
13. A group of module two students were carrying out an assignment on the benefits of effective computer disposing policy in organizations. Explain three benefits they could have identified.
14. Support desk software is a phenomenon in every organization. (i)Name four examples of such software that could be found in organizations. (ii)Outline four functions that could be rendered by this software.
15. Tessie noted an email that appeared as if it was sent by her bank requesting her to confirm her account details. (i)Identify the type of attack depicted in the email (ii)Outline four security measures that she could use to mitigate the type of attack identified in (i)
16. Paul was advised by his friends to stop placing his laptop on the bed while using it. Explain two possible effects on the laptop that could have informed this advice.
17. Computer manufacturer use several technologies of random access memory when designing computers. Outline three of these technologies.
18. BIOS perform several critical roles in a computer. Explain two roles carried out by BIOS during booting.
19. Figure 1shows a section of the rear side of ATX power supply unit. Outline the function of each of the following parts labelled (i) and (ii)
20. John was required to remove temporally files during a computer maintenance exercise. Outline three methods that he could use.
21. Christine was required to repair a flatbed scanner. Outline four Tools that she could use.
22. NTFS is used in modern computers. Outline four features that could be promoting its popularity.
23. Heat sink come in two variant types. Explain two types that could be found in computers.
24. List two examples of power connectors in a computer.
25. Alice was required to disassemble a desktop computer for further troubleshooting. Outline six criteria that she could use.
26. Distinguish between chipset and device controller as used in computers.