
<=KNEC Diploma in Food and Beverage Management Module III: Human Relations past paper November 2018

Explain four reasons that may account for differences in perception among individuals

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Question Answer:

Questions List:

1. Identify four methods that may be used to establish the level of employee morale in an organization.
2. State four reasons that make it necessary for an organization to define its publics
3. Outline four characteristics of an effective workgroup in an organization
4. State four defense mechanism that employees may adopt to cope with frustration
5. Outline four indicators of interpersonal conflict among employees in an organization
6. Outline four leadership styles in accordance to the managerial Grid theory of leadership
7. Individuals with agreeable personality types exhibit certain characteristics. Explain four such characteristics
8. Workers participation in management may take various forms. State four such forms
9. Explain each of the following principles of organization: (a) Span of control (b) Absolute responsibility
10. State four consequences that an employee may face as a result of having negative attitude at workplace
11. Explain five factors that may lead poor human relation in an organization
12. Explain five non-monetary incentives that may be used to motivate employees in an organization
13. Explain four disadvantages of informal group in an organization
14. Explain four conditions that should be met to ensure effective employee participation in management
15. Explain two grounds on which social classes may be established
16. Explain five measures that the management of an organization may take to assist employees cope with work related stress
17. Explain five disadvantages of using an arbitration method as a method to resolve conflicts in an organization.
18. Explain four criticism labeled against the trait theory of leadership
19. Explain four reasons that make some organization hesitate to involve employees in management
20. Outline two ways in which an individual may acquire attributes
21. Explain four reasons that may account for differences in perception among individuals
22. Highlight four characteristics of a group at the norming stage
23. Explain four circumstances under which the laissez-fairer style of leadership may not be appropriate to use in an organization